Intranet Solutions that work for you: Your people will love to use these powerful enhancements for SharePoint
IT IS prinzipiell: Spaß an der Arbeit durch intuitive Bedienung und frisches Design.
Die Microsoft SharePoint-Technologie ist ein wichtiger Trend unser Zeit. Sie können Großes damit erreichen - eigentlich fast alles. Aber zur gleichen Zeit ist es mehr ein Baukasten als eine Lösung: Diese Umgebung entsteht durch viel Konfiguration und Programmierung. Richtig gut wird es meist im zweiten Anlauf. Wenn Sie aber SharePoint lieber nutzen möchten, sollten Sie sich unsere Lösungen anschauen. Unsere Stärke liegt in der Kombination von SharePoint mit Business-Systemen.
This makes the particular information stay in the place it belong, but gets your people a full view and certain access towards it. If permitted, they can contribute to various areas of your organization.
You can dismiss cumbersome paper based processed and wild file share information jungles into balanced, workflow driven, and structured areas that speak for themselves. These solutions are turnkey, but also adjustable to suit your needs, and easy to learn and operate.
Not just easy, but a money safer, too
Anstelle eines voll-funktionellen, jedoch immer noch sehr teueren Warenwirtschaftssystem-Clients kommt nun SharePoint ins Spiel: Wir können Ihnen eine Beispielrechnung zeigen, bei welcher Sie Ersparnisse von bis zu 85% gegenüber dem üblichen Lizenzmodell erreichen können. Durch die Fokussierung auf die wichtigen Funktionen werden Ihre Mitarbeiter und Geschäftspartner zu Zulieferern ihrer Geschäftsprozesse.
The Home of IT IS Intranet solutions based on the new Microsoft SharePoint2013.
Where was merely the customer document? How can I share my order? How many days I have left? Such questions will occur also known?
Think briefly once on the time spend your employees with searching of content or need the learning of different applications, although these are rarely used. The service is one of the main points of the design with the IT IS Intranet solutions. Our credo: Consistently simplify and improve.
Our new, fresh design, we support the simplicity of operation. The solutions can be reached in no time by the buttons on the home and anywhere via quick navigation. If you do not need all of these areas and their areas are structured differently, this can easily be adapted - in which the appealing menus to configure. Colors, images and different styles can also be modified without much effort. IT IS Intranet solutions are geared that your employees can use complete intranet portals independently. The topics are to work out for themselves and lead to routine processes. We deliberately do not put anything that is conceivable as a standard order, but follow the 80:20 principle. If you still can is a special case important, we achieve this by configuration and expansion.