IT IS Intranet Lösungen für Auswertungen in NAV und SharePoint

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You also can retrieve the book value of the fixed assets. The right appreciation of all stock levels of items on hand and their assessments - if run in NAV - are now in the managers hands. 

Keep it simple, but powerful: By the intuitive user interface in the browser you immediately get the most current enterprise-critical numbers. Moreover, the menu is laid out as tab dialogs where each tab contains so-called ribbons cards simplifying navigating around considerably. 

These ribbons are higlighted with the “Mouse-Over” effect in color, you you get feedback immediately on which menu item you are. All important data on enterprise figures are also represented in graphical form for the sales- and income trends, assets, costs and budget so you can run evaluations regarding the trend and timescale.

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Even the current book value of fixed assets, all land and buildings can be shown here. 

Of course, you can also query the current value of inventories. These are the cash and cash equivalents as well as all inventories and possibly their reviews always in sight of the manager. Make it simple, but effective: The intuitive user interface in the browser, you will immediately receive the most current, business critical figures. And even on the go, or on your mobile device.

Now you no longer have the feeling that you did not know know if you are not in the office. You do not have to wait long for reports or complicated BI results. Instead, the figures are immediately available and are automatically recalculated when changes in Microsoft Dynamics done. 

In the "Indexes" all important data for the sales and earnings performance, assets, costs and budget are presented in graphical form. You can change the time scale in order to keep informed of developments or problems track. 

For this you can generate the reports with yearly, quarterly, monthly and weekly overviews. Also the markets you are operating in are broken down to the corresponding regions.

In the area of revenue and income the numbers can be compared with the data from the last periods thus you immediately have a basis upon decisions for a better business development of your venture.

When you got the relevant data upfront of you, you can use these for further processing. For example you may convert a report into common file formats, such as PDF, Word or Excel, to be processed further through your employees or for your presentation. With this, information to other authorized members of your organisation becomes such a easy, pleasant thing.

Also you may subscribe to reports which you need for particular timeframes again and again. These reports can select and get you a variety of options for the subscription so you decide when want you them and in which form and which way. For instance you can put them up into a SharePoint document library or can save then into a given file share. 

For example, they can be stored in a SharePoint document library or save it as a document. In addition to the textual reports, you can also represent numbers by suitable graphical formats. This will speed up the identification of trends as sales growth per region, assets and costs in the sales or income for each period. 

Such summary graphs to assess the business is easy and makes a decision based on real-time data, because the numbers and graphs are generated from data from your ERP system. This means that every movement, whether reflected in sales, income, expenses or other areas of the company immediately in the charts and financial reports.

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Ein Lauf über die Daten, wie dies bei einer BI-Lösung üblicherweise stattfindet, ist hier nicht notwendig. Stattdessen stehen die Ansichten unmittelbar zur Verfügung. Benutzerdefinierte Zugriffsberechtigungen sind natürlich auch für diesen Bereich einzurichten und eine Einschränkung des Personenkreises, der Zugriff auf die Daten hat, ist sicherlich sinnvoll. SharePoint und die IT IS Intranet Lösungen helfen Ihnen, diese Zugriffsberechtigungen einzurichten. 

This means that every movement, whether ­it be sales, income, costs or for other figures the enterprise immediately end up in the diagrams and the finance evaluations reflecting them. 

A run over the data as this is made to usually with busines intelligence solutions is not necessary here as the views are immediately available instead. Of course user-defined access authorizations have to be established also for this area and a restriction of the group of people which has access to the data that are surely sensible. 

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