IT IS Intranet Lösungen - Finanzen

Odoo CMS - a big picture

Nach Rollen verteiltes Finanz-Management für die aktive Arbeit mit Unternehmenszahlen in der Intranet Lösung für Buchhaltung

Our solution for financial accountancy is subdivided in credit accounting, debit accounting and controlling. The user reaches to the respective area through a beautiful initial page . The current exchange rates for foreign currency taken from NAV are on display here.By the way: A slight customization in configuration can represent other contents also like the list of the due invoices, payments or the list of the account information on the initial page of this solution. IT IS active 2013 completely goes by your need.
With a simple click on the respective badge an employee of the particular department reaches the area meant for him. In addition you can navigate also over the navigation bar at the upper edge of the screen. We now introduce the individual areas to you in the following.

Odoo CMS - a big picture

The accounts receivable department

For the accounts receivable department the colleagues have a direct link for the online banking and can immediately check the accounts of the bank of the company there.

Even without access over the regular NAV client, they can directly execute all necessary work on the Microsoft Dynamics system online. So many information can be seen on customers with this application. All typical business documents like quotes, orders, invoices and reminders among this, are included.

The posted invoices are also represented here and an access to PDF documents or the chart of the accounts as well as a general journal is contained.

The Navigate function permits to look at the position and bookings caused by the posted invoice. In addition, it is possible to use the NAV booking routine and therefore to post both account sheets and invoices web based.

Odoo CMS - a big picture

The accounts payable department

The posting of the incoming goods and services are the area of responsibility of the accounts payable clerk. On entrance, the invoices are checked, credited and paid. They can be dispatched for approval as well. Then the accounts payable department owns the petty cash register, too.

The controlling

The controller is responsible for control of the rendered services of the bookkeepers from the receivables and creditor area. Invoices are paid only after release of the controller and the release is therefore necessary by the controller.

Zur selben Zeit haben Sie mit der Intranet Lösung Controlling einen Blick auf die laufende Buchhaltung und kümmern sich um die monatlichen Aufgaben im Finanz-Bereich. In einem solchen Fall löst der Controller die anderen Abteilungen ab.

The controller also has the task of the budgeting; so he has a full extensive view of the expenditure and income in the enterprise. With the help of the budget matrix he steers these numbers and thus also can carry out budget customizations directly.

The budget matrix is a two-dimensional form in which the projected figures can be typed in for the financial accounts. Several filters can be used to see exactly the accounts and time periods which are interesting.

Die IT IS Intranet Lösung für Finanzen ist sehr flexibel. Eine geringfügigge Anpassung kann andere Inhalte wie die Liste der fälligen Rechnungen, Zahlungen oder die Liste der Kontendaten und weitere Informationen darstellen. Die neuesten aus NAV entnommenen ausländischen Wechselkurse sind dafür ein gutes Beispiel, das einem gut im Kopf bleibt.

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