IT IS active 2010 - Tabs in lists

Get more information at hand with TABs in List:

The prime data is shown in our preferred order at the first Tab. On the additional Tab, you can provide further data that is simply available with a mouse click. The big benefit: You don’t need to scroll, and you can have those data on the same page. Please see the sample:

The following Tab „General“ shows the customer information at a glance.

Odoo CMS - a big picture

Here you see the new “Ranking” control, where you can set your best customers with 5 stars. While this is a manual ranking, it would be possible to do this ranking on calculated values from various ratings like finance data, complaints, payment schedule, also. Now you are able to learn about each costumer at a glance

At the second Tab “Finance Information” you can watch your customers fiscal data in detail. This view enhances the visualization of information for better decision making.

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IT IS Tablet Solutions

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