In what scenario IT IS control 2013 is recommended?
If multiple clients are to be used or a load balancing and failover, and scheduled task processing is desired.
Can I IT IS control 2013 use products without additional IT IS?
Ja, dies ist möglich. IT IS control ist zwar ursprünglich für die Kommunikation mit IT IS active und IT IS web 2013 for NAV konzipiert worden. Die aktuelle Version arbeitet jedoch auch als generelle Anwendung, um NAV Aufgaben zeitgesteuert ablaufen lassen zu können. Sollten Sie einen bestimmten Einsatzzweck im Sinn haben, so nutzen Sie für eine Anfrage bei uns bitte unser Contact us.
What IT IS products IT IS control 2013 is compatible?
IT IS control 2013 with IT IS active 2013 for NAV 2013 IT IS web 2013 compatible with NAV.
Can I use 2013 as a layman IT IS control?
Our software is very easy to use, but we recommend that you initially set up together to make certain custom settings .
Can IT IS AG IS control up my IT 2013?
Of course, you can get help from the IT IS Software partners or directly from us.
Which version IT IS control can be used in 2013?
You can use NAV IT IS control 2013 from IT IS active 2013 and IT IS web-2013. Earlier products are compatible with the IT IS application server manager or previous versions of IT IS control.
Kann ich mit IT IS control mehrere NAV Mandanten und Datenbanken adressieren?
Yes, it is possible to address multiple clients, even from different databases.
Hat IT IS control 2013 Einfluss auf die Performance meines NAV Portals?
Depending on the scenario in advantages due to the integrated load balancing functionality.
What other advantages does IT IS control 2013?
The IT IS web 2013 recommended CMS (Content Management System) provides a very comprehensive, yet easy-to-use editor. This CMS allows you to edit your texts easily without HTML knowledge.
where to order
Our products are available through our licensed software partner exclusively.